Case Notes for "Flight of the Phoenix" (film)

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Flight of the Phoenix Case Notes

For students:  Here are some case notes for the film.  They might help you with some anchor points for the plot.  They also provide some info regarding leadership analysis.

Be aware that you don' t have to focus on leadership per se.  There are many dimensions that might catch your attention, from group dynamics, group formation, positive vs. negative climates, noise in communication systems, impact of personal filters on interpretation, etc.


Case Analysis (through film):  Look at Leadership

Leadership defined as:  an influence relationship between leaders and followers who share a common purpose.  (A simplified version of Joseph Rost's four-part defintion; handy, solid conceptualization of leadership, esp. as it is distinguished from management.  Management, he defines, is an authority relationship between supervisor and subordinate who share the common goal of producing goods and/or services.)

For examination:

Leadership effectiveness:  effective vs. ineffective

Leadership ethics:  right vs. wrong

Leadership formation:  designated vs. emergent

Leadership style:  democratic, laissez-faire, autocratic/authoritarian

Leadership power:  coercive, reward, legitimate, expert, referent (French and Raven’s 5 bases of power)

Key characters:

Capt. Frank Townes – pilot

A.J. – Navigator

Kelly – manager in charge of oil crew

Alex Rodney – Irish guy

Sammy – Cook/chef

Ian – Corporate guy, “company man”

Elliot – extra rider, engineer

James LaDell – guy who takes off on hike and returns.

 “Storyteller” (Arab? Perhaps Jewish?)

Davis (the guy that got lost)

Jeremy – eye-patch guy, loves the tunes

Plot structure:


Initial incident: the crash

“Thanks, captain”


AJ (navigator) Co-pilot: threatens Elliot: “You looking to join those two?”

Calculating water and food

Calculating a walk-out: comparing knowledge


Crisis:  Wanderer lost at night (Davis dead)

“No one else dies” – Capt.


Capt and Kelly conversation

Odds of survival: 5% chance

Issue:  Do something vs. do nothing

Kelly: something = “Trying to get ourselves out of here.”

Kelly: “Since Davis just disappeared, they are pretty freaked out.”

Capt.: “They should be.”

Kelly: “They’re looking to you.”

Capt.: “Look, I’m not everybody’s Den Mother… They’re grown men, they can deal with it.”


Are they coming?

Discussion about rescue: cost-benefit analysis

Ian:  “They have a corporate responsibility to come and get us.”

Cook:  “Don’t kid yourself.”

Crisis:  Fight over water.

“I have an idea” – Elliot

Elliot: “There are no component problems.”

Sammy’s Sarcasm: build a swimming pool.

Examination of Elliot’s expertise: who do you work for? Specifics about engine thrust capability…

Issue: possible vs. impossible.

“What do you think we should do?” to the Capt.: “Nothing.”


Crisis:  James LaDell missing

Capt. Townes and Kelly: “Remember, no one else dies.”

Capt. Goes on search.


Discussion with LaDell.

Capt’s reaction.


Prayer/observation/amazement discussion

Story:  A rabbi and a priest attend a boxing match.  Boxers are about to go into the ring.  One of them crosses himself.  Rabbi asks the priest, “What does it mean?”  Priest answers, “Not a damn thing if the man can’t fight.”

Meaning?  All the religious activity in the world won’t save a person unless they possess the skills and will to win.


Return of Capt. and LaDell, and decision to build.

Capt.: “Too early to give up; too late to do anything else.”


Beginning of building (at night): separating the parts of the plane.

Task changes: from survival to construction expertise shifts from Townes to Elliot.


Capt. and Navigator discussion: secret of dead body with shell casings near it.


Crisis:  explosion of plane fuel – added tension to the secret and to their work (increased water use).

Perception:  differing interpretation of day work and water use; Ian’s corporate expertise comes into play.


Day work: camaraderie and success

Crisis:  Sammy survived, led to more camaraderie (and music/dancing)


“No, no, no” says Elliot to Capt.

Crisis:  electrical storm and Capt. saves Elliot’s life (by his expertise and bravery)


Discussion of the difference between Religion and spirituality.

Plane named Phoenix.


Crisis:  missing water: Elliot’s claim to work and water.

“Because I’m in charge of building my plane.”

“Everyone here is dispensable but me.”


Crisis:  Nomads discovered.  Then stealth/recon and Alex shot, dies.

Alex says, “And who’s going to watch your back?”

Alex jumped in front of AJ to protect him from gun shot.

“If I hadn’t seen the watch…” (James LaDell)

Capt encourages him, “If you hadn’t said anything we’d all be dead.”


Crisis:  Living survivor shot by Elliot, “Well, that settles that.”

Elliot scolding Capt Townes: 12 wasted man-hours, punched.

Begging Elliot to help again, “Please.”


Crisis:  spotting more nomads.

“It’s ready,” says Elliot.


Crisis:  Getting the flight chart, “It’s in my bag right there” (Elliot)

Discovery of Elliot’s true credentials: Sizemore and Pratt airplane company, but one that only builds “toy planes.”


Crisis:  Company man Ian going to shoot Elliot.

Discovery: Phoenix “wants” to fly.


Crisis:  Sandstorm buries plane.

Capt Townes gives a pep talk, his “hopes and dreams speech”:  “We built it – we can dig it out.”

More camaraderie.


Crisis:  plane fails to start (5 chances possible).

Plane starts up, camaraderie follows.


Crisis:  Nomads reappear on hillside and charge down on horses.


Crisis:  Guns firing on them from nomad band:  plane rudder cable shot.

Elliot risks life to reconnect cable, succeeds.


Crisis:  Short runway.

They make it!